Jeremy A. Rist


Blank Rome LLP
One Logan Square
130 North 18th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Tel: +1.215.569.5361


A Partner in the Philadelphia office of Blank Rome LLP, Jeremy Rist has more than 18 years of experience practicing antitrust law, including representing clients before the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”), state regulators and attorneys general, and in courtrooms across the country.

His key areas of practice include:

  • Obtaining clearance of mergers and acquisitions from the FTC and DOJ
  • Representing clients in FTC and DOJ investigations regarding trade practices and other commercial activities
  • Representing clients in civil antitrust litigation, both as plaintiffs and as defendants

Jeremy also routinely counsels clients in the antitrust aspects of ordinary course commercial activity, including contemplated mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, resale pricing and “minimum advertised price” policies, joint development agreements, distribution agreements, licensing arrangements, settlements, and the exchange of information among competitors and within trade associations.

Jeremy also represents clients in complex civil litigation, principally in disputes related to mergers & acquisitions, and commercial disputes implicating constitutional issues.

Additionally, Jeremy serves as Deputy General Counsel of Blank Rome LLP, in which he advises the firm’s management and more than 600 lawyers on issues related to professional responsibility, risk management, regulatory compliance, and legal issues involving the Firm.

  • College of William & Mary, BA, summa cum laude
  • Harvard Law School, JD, cum laude

Following graduation from law school, Jeremy served as a law clerk for the Honorable Paul A. Magnuson, then Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota.

  • Lead counsel for a generic pharmaceuticals company defendant in federal multidistrict antitrust litigation that involves putative direct and indirect purchaser class actions and multiple opt-out plaintiff lawsuits, In re Generic Pharmaceuticals Antitrust Litig., in which the plaintiffs allege price-fixing and market allocation in numerous product markets.
  • Lead counsel for a Canadian radiopharmaceuticals company defendant in a putative federal class action that alleges monopolization and attempted monopolization of five radiopharmaceutical product markets.
  • Lead antitrust counsel for a national distributor of alcoholic beverages in connection with multiple transactions, including in an FTC investigation of a proposed $12 billion joint venture with a competitor.
  • Lead counsel for an international sensor manufacturer in post-closing DOJ merger investigation; negotiated limited divestiture remedy and consent decree.
  • Lead counsel for pharmaceutical companies in various investigations by the FTC into acquisitions and commercial trade practices.
  • Lead counsel for food products, consumer products, and media companies, among others, in obtaining clearance from the FTC and DOJ for various transactions.
  • Counsel for French energy company in federal antitrust class action litigation that alleged monopolization and attempted monopolization of the propane market.
  • Counsel for French airline in federal antitrust class action litigation that alleged price-fixing in the market for passenger air transportation to Japan.
  • Regular transactional antitrust advice to clients in the consumer products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, transportation, banking, healthcare, electrical cable, steelmaking, and publishing industries.
  • Counsel to chemicals company defendant in $400 million breach of contract and tort action related to a joint venture in the phosphorus industry.
  • Counsel to the economic development board of a major American city against an action by city council challenging award of busing contract on state constitution separation of powers grounds.

With continued aggressive antitrust enforcement and an increasingly litigious commercial culture, businesses face a growing challenge in navigating federal, state, and international antitrust and competition laws. These laws can hinder commercial transactions, impose significant damages, and potentially lead to criminal liability. Companies facing antitrust issues need counsel who can help them navigate the requirements, communicate effectively with regulators, and, if necessary, litigate on their behalf.

From compliance counseling to planning an acquisition to responding to government investigations, Blank Rome’s antitrust attorneys have the breadth of experience  and knowledge to help you address private, criminal, or corporate antitrust issues. And with more than 300 litigators across 14 offices, we can help you plan an effective antitrust litigation strategy and take your case to trial if needed.

We frequently represent clients before the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission in investigations and inquiries concerning alleged violations of the Sherman and Clayton antitrust acts and Section 5 of the FTC Act.

Blank Rome is an Am Law 100 firm with 14 offices and more than 650 attorneys and principals who provide a full range of legal and advocacy services to clients operating in the United States and around the world.

Our professionals are widely recognized for their leading knowledge and experience across a broad spectrum of industries, as well as their dedication to diversity and inclusion initiatives and pro bono work.

But what really sets us apart is our investment in client relationships—our unwavering commitment to understanding their businesses, the around-the-clock access we provide, and our nimble and customized delivery of services. We treat your goals, ideas, and objectives as our own and fight fiercely for resolutions that are in your best interest. This promise goes deeper than words. It is our creed, adopted and held true at all levels, starting at the very top.