M. Patrick McDowell


Brunini Attorneys at Law
190 East Capitol Street
The Pinnacle Building, Suite 100
Jackson, MS 39201

Tel: 601-960-6925

Email: pmcdowell@brunini.com
Web: www.brunini.com

Patrick McDowell’s practice focuses on complex litigation in federal and state trial and appellate courts, including antitrust, contract, business tort, unfair competition, RICO, trademark, securities, product liability, drug and medical device, toxic exposure, and environmental litigation.

He has successfully prosecuted and defended commercial disputes on behalf of entertainment, environmental, financial, insurance, manufacturing, technology, telecoms, and television services providers. He has also successfully defended manufacturers, producers, and licensors against product liability and negligence claims.

He has represented healthcare insurers and food producers in multidistrict antitrust class actions; telecommunications and technology services providers in multidistrict securities and ERISA class actions; employers, insurers, banks, and television service providers in federal class actions; drug, device, and other product manufacturers in multidistrict and multi-state mass tort actionsand drug and device manufacturers, healthcare insurers, and financial service providers in attorney general civil litigation.

Patrick has been recognized by Chambers USA© for Litigation: General Commercial; by Mid-South Super Lawyers® for Business Litigation; by Benchmark Litigation© as a Mississippi Local Litigation Star and a Fifth Circuit Appellate Star; and by Best Lawyers© for Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Litigation–Securities, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions–Defendants, Personal Injury Litigation–Defendants, Product Liability Litigation–Defendants, and Trade Secrets Law, including recognition as Litigation–Securities Lawyer of the Year for 2019 and 2021.

Patrick is a past president of the Mississippi Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and a current member of the national FBA’s Constitution and Bylaws Committee.  He is the immediate past chair of the IADC Class Actions and Multi-Party Litigation Committee, previously served on the ABA Class Actions and Derivative Suits Committee as newsletter editor, and currently serves on the DRI Commercial Litigation Committee steering committee as specialized litigation group coordinator.

Before joining the Brunini firm, Patrick served as a law clerk for the Honorable William H. Barbour, Jr., Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi.


  • J.D., Vanderbilt University, 1992 (Associate Articles Editor, Vanderbilt Law Review; Moot Court Board)
  • B.B.A., University of Mississippi, 1988


  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Georgia
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
  • United States District Courts for the Northern, Middle, and Southern Districts of Alabama; Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas; Middle District of Georgia; Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi; Western, Middle, and Eastern Districts of Tennessee; Southern District of Texas.
  • United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Eleventh Circuits
  • United States Supreme Court
Brunini has handled numerous antitrust cases involving claims under both state and federal laws, including Sherman Act, Robinson-Patman Act, and Mississippi Unfair Trade Practices Act claims.

Clients represented by the Firm in antitrust litigation include health care providers, publishing companies, insurance companies, manufacturing concerns, waste management companies and gaming entities. The Firm also regularly advises its clients regarding antitrust compliance.

Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC, founded over one century ago, today is one of Mississippi’s largest and most respected law firms. We serve primarily business clients, including a number of Fortune 500 companies and other significant Mississippi companies, including the nation’s largest privately held wireless company, one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers, one of Mississippi’s largest health insurers, and one of the state’s largest banks and health care systems. Our Firm’s practice is organized into three major areas of concentration: Commercial, Litigation and Regulatory law.

Grounded by experience and infused with innovation, the practice of law at Brunini affirms our vision of growth, excellence and discovery. Even as we grow, we maintain a collegial atmosphere and team focus. In 2022, our firm was named Mississippi’s Firm of the Year by Benchmark Litigation for the third year in a row and was a top-ranked firm in Chambers USA.  Our high standards are demonstrated by the number of Brunini attorneys who are named by their peers to the ranks of many distinguished organizations including the American College of Trial Lawyers, American Board of Trial Advocates, Best Lawyers® in America, Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers in Business, Mid-South Super Lawyers.