Thomas McMahon


Jones & Keller, P.C.
1675 Broadway
26th Floor
Denver, CO 80202

Tel: 303-573-1600


Tom McMahon is dedicated to making the world safe for competition, one client and case at a time. His practice is concentrated in the areas of antitrust litigation and counseling; health care, class action and other types of complex commercial litigation; and consulting and providing expert testimony with respect to attorneys’ fees. He has won multi-million dollar lawsuits for plaintiffs and defendants at the trial and highest appellate levels of the federal and state judicial and administrative systems in Colorado and elsewhere around the country.

Mr. McMahon has successfully handled virtually all types of competition-related issues under federal and state antitrust laws — including successfully arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of 23 amici states in Cmty. Comm’cns. Co. v. City of Boulder, 455 U.S. 40 (1981). He has extensive experience representing and advising physicians, medical groups and other health care entities regarding antitrust, competition, licensing, discipline, and privileging matters in federal, state and internal judicial and administrative proceedings. He has also served as lead, local and antitrust counsel in national, regional and state class action-type lawsuits.

In other complex litigation, his experience encompasses matters as diverse as Constitutional rights under the federal Civil Rights Act; personal privacy under the federal Drivers Privacy Protection Act; government payments under the federal False Claims Act; counterfeit trade goods under the federal Lanham Act; joint operating agreements under the federal Newspaper Preservation Act; securities fraud under the 1933 & 1934 federal Securities Acts; and computer software under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.

Jones & Keller provides litigation and counseling services relating to competition issues in a wide variety of industries. We represent clients in antitrust investigations and litigation before federal, state and administrative tribunals, from investigation and trial through the highest appellate levels, including the United States Supreme Court, the Federal Trade Commission and the (former) Civil Aeronautics Board.

The head of this practice area served as the Chief of the Colorado Attorney General’s Antitrust Unit.

Our experience in this regard includes prosecuting or defending virtually every type of antitrust, competition, trade regulation and unfair trade practice claim – including bid rigging, boycott and refusal to deal, exclusive dealing, actual and attempted monopolization, conspiracy to monopolize, predatory pricing, price discrimination, price fixing, restraint of trade, sales below cost, tying and the like.

Jones & Keller is one of Colorado’s oldest and most respected law firms. Jones & Keller was formed in January 1991 by the merger of two esteemed Denver firms, Jones, Meiklejohn, Kehl & Lyons, and Keller, Wing & Godbolt, and today is a strong, growing full-service law firm comprising talented lawyers focused on client satisfaction.

Jones & Keller represents individuals and public and privately held businesses from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, providing a wide array of business and personal legal services. We strive to maintain a hands-on relationship with our clients, while providing highly specialized practitioners who can meet clients’ needs efficiently and cost effectively. The firm includes lawyers experienced in the areas necessary to provide a full range of business, administrative, tax and litigation services.

When beneficial to the interests of our clients, our lawyers work in multi-disciplinary teams across areas of expertise to efficiently serve our clients’ needs. These teams regularly utilize the specialized knowledge and experience housed in multiple practice areas of the firm, working together to provide legal representation and advisory services to our clients on a comprehensive array of transactional, regulatory, and litigation matters.